Monday, April 8, 2013

"The Thing About Things" (AFP)

Amanda Palmer has a new song out. You can listen to it here, (lyrics here).

This part~>

"i can carry everything i need in one collapsing suitcase
i can carry everyone i love in one phone application
built to optimize the facetime with the ties i’m bent on making
actually i want to be alone
to mourn the loss
of what this cost
i collected you but now you are all lost" ~more

That part hits close.

(And this....

"the thing about things is that they can start meaning things
nobody actually said...
and if you’re not allowed
to love people alive
then you learn how to love people dead" ~more
 Struggling, lately, with being able to feel much.)

But then there's this:  a murmuration of starlings. (And I do start to feel something.)  

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