Finally! In the flesh, all these close friends I have, whom I had previously never seen face to face. It was AWESOME!!! Our family was already planning a trip to Utah to visit family, but when I found that the Sunstone Symposium was going on as well I couldn't believe my Luck. And so, after spending several days enjoying family and the great outdoors in St George and Provo, I continued on to Salt lake City where I hooked up with mfranti. And from there the fun never stopped. Honestly, mfranti's summary of the weekend is brilliant I don't know that I could add a single addition. But I can add a whole lot a photos, so here you go: bloggers in the flesh (for those of you only interested in the faces of the bloggers we hooked up with) and the whole shebang here (for those of you who also like pics of window shopping, shoe shopping, carrots pulled right from the ground, and a few extra candid shots of those aforementioned bloggers.)
Wish I could have made it... lived in Utah for 25 years and never went, and as soon as I move I start making all these friends online and want to go back... maybe next year.
It's kind of strange, actually, seeing these people in real life (at least in pictures). Sometimes I wonder if they're all real people, and why they aren't in my ward. :)
aw, I wish you could have made it too!
and I must admit to a certain amount of nervousness in meeting all these people in the flesh- like, after all our chats and online discussion... would we be able to converse in real life?
obviously, YES.
would we be able to converse in real life?
obviously, YES."
hmmmm...i still have teh "smoker"s voice"
maybe i scream to much?
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what? BIV, you love me?
wow. i'm blushing...
...oh, you meant G.
aw thanks biv! I love you too! did you see this one?
um, yes... I had to be quiet for several days after I came home, my vocal cords being completely unaccustomed to such over-use!
Oh, what a fun group--I'm totally jealous!
totally fun! Jessawhy was there too, but I only saw her briefly during a sunstone panel.
az bloggers rule! :)
Wow, what fun!!! I wish I could have gone to the Sunstone Symposium to meet everyone!!! I'm jealous my brother (John Hamer) has gone twice in a row now -- did you guys by chance meet him?
Maybe next year I'll go. I'm planning a longer trip back to the U.S. so a detour to Utah might fit...
hey cl hanson!
totally fun! I wish I had known to look for your bro, that would have been awesome.
really, next time I WILL go to more of the actual sessions, but sunstone is also just such great time to MEET everyone.
do come!
G, it was wonderful to meet you in person--I only wish we had more time to talk!
me too johnR!
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