I've also been doing some pondering about whether my birds should fly over my arm, or under my arm. Or both.
Anyhow, while I continue to ponder, I though I'd share with you some stats about tattoos that I gathered from this article:
● 36 percent of those born in the U.S. between 1975 and 1986 have tattoos.
● 24 percent of those born between 1964 and 1974 have tattoos.
● 15 percent of those born between 1953 and 1963 have tattoos.
● 37 percent of people with tattoos have military experience.
Ethnic breakdown
● African-American: 28 percent
● White: 22 percent
● Hispanic: 38 percent
● Other: 36 percent
Income breakdown
● Those who make less than $40,000: 32 percent
● $40,000-$75,000: 24 percent
● More than $75,000: 19 percent
Jail time breakdown
● Three days or more: 58 percent
● Fewer than three days: 20 percent
Education breakdown
(ages 24 and older)
● Did not complete high school: 40 percent
● Completed high school: 29 percent
● Some college: 25 percent
● Bachelor's degree: 14 percent
● Graduate school: 14 percent
Source: American Academy of Dermatology
And, of course, the all important political breakdown: "According to the study, Republicans and Democrats are about even when it comes to tattoos, with Democrats only sightly more (24 percent) than Republicans (22 percent). Independents (27 percent) and "others" (29 percent) were a little higher."
There you go! Now you know just that much more about how rare or average you happen to be in your particular socio-economic-inked state.Oh, and just because, Here is one of my favorite images of a pierced ear.
{updated...} Just wanted to add a few more links about tattoos, here's another (pro-tattoo) site with an even more extensive Harris Poll breakdown of tattoo wearers. And, just because I found it hilarious, here's a fundamentalist Christian's rant against tattoos (and homosexuals and witches too)
{updated again...} adamf informed me that I needed a link to a Christian's for tattoos site. And, of course, he was right. so here you go: Needle for the Nail. :)
i like the over the arm tattoo with one under the wrist :)
I love your ears!
I've been thinking about getting another piercing - in my lip. The only reason I haven't done it is because I'm afraid it would impede physical affection.
But I'm definitely gearing up for more tattoos. My next planned one is an e.e. cummings line on my clavicle. After that I want to get some lyrics somewhere on my arm. After that I want to get some herbs. After that I want to get some more poetry or lyrics. After that...
I don't know if I'll be able to stop.
The post would have been complete if you found a funde who believed tattoos were originally from God. I'm sure they're out there!
adam... your BRILLIANT!!! And I found an article! right here (needle for the nail... heheheheh, LOVE IT) (not exaclty fundy, but good enough for now).
(going to add it to the post right now)
thanks :)
According to your stats I am in the 15% range in nearly every category. I keep thinking a little wisteria on my butt would be cool.
Too bad I'm chicken. My daughter (Athena, not Eris) got an adorable frog on her shoulder about four years ago. It cost her over $3,000 and two weeks of IV therapy for MRSA treatment. Yep, I'm a big, big chicken.
Not being a jewelry person, my double ear piercings will be enough. I rarely change my earrings anyway.
I am very envious of those with cool tattoos, even my daughter's very expensive shoulder frog.
I haven't gotten any tattoos yet, but I really want one on the inside of my left forearm.
I also haven't decided what my next piercing will be. @Chandelle, I think lip piercings look awesome, but I have similar concerns about uninhibited kissing, etc.
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